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Buccochromis rhoadesii

Buccochromis rhoadesii is a species which is found in reasonable deep water (15 to 30 meters), in the entire lake in sandy environments. However, they can also be found in shallow water in shuttered bays above a muddy bottom.

In the lake the males of these species can grow to 35 cm, females grow to about 30 cm.

Buccochromis rhoadesii is a cichlid which you can best keep with multiple females in a large tank with a lot of swimming space and some hiding places. It is possible to keep this species together with larger cichlids from sandy environments. Small species and young fish will be hunted and eaten by this predator.

In the lake this species is feeding itself with young cichlids which they catch in the sandy environment.
In the aquarium they are comfortable with any food. They take everything they get offered, like spirulina pellets, mysis, artemia, cyclops and shrimp-peas mix, however they regularly need to be offered some small young fish.